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A-Z Glossary

me, myself, I

'I' is used as a subject, while 'me' is used as an object in a sentence. 'Myself' can be used as a compound with 'I', or for emphasis after 'I', but not as a substitute for 'I' or 'me'. When using 'I' or 'me' as one of two subjects or objects, an easy tip is to use the one that makes sense when the other subject is omitted.

Incorrect: Jill and me were there.
Correct: Jill and I were there. (I was there.)

Incorrect: The task was delegated to Nicole and I.
Correct: The task was delegated to Nicole and me. (The task was delegated to me.)

Incorrect: Mike and me ate lunch at noon.
Correct: Mike and I ate lunch at noon. (I ate lunch at noon.)
Correct: I did it myself.

Incorrect: Candace and myself went to the store.
Correct: Candace and I went to the store. (I went to the store)
Correct: I myself filed the report.

Incorrect: Please copy Shannon, Chris, and myself on the email.
Correct: Please copy Shannon, Chris, and me on the email. (Please copy me on the email.)




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