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abbreviations and acronyms

Always spell out the full name of a program or organization on first reference. If an acronym will be used later on the document, or if the program or organization is widely known by its abbreviation, write the abbreviation in parentheses after the first reference.

Universally known acronyms, such as U.S. and U.N., do not need to be spelled out on first reference. The Youth Empowerment Strategies for Success (YESS) program was developed in 2007. Colleges are increasingly using geographic information systems (GIS) software. The Foundation’s GIS Collaborative is providing GIS tools and data to the colleges.

Punctuation: In acronyms using uppercase letters, use periods only for those that are two letters. U.S. CDC–WORKs!. U.N. YESS. BAR.UCLA. Exceptions: Initials of a person’s name (see names entry), academic degrees, and state name abbreviations (not postal codes) in text, which require periods. She is from Albany, N.Y. Use periods when an acronym is lowercase. c.o.d. a.m. Exceptions: scuba, radar. When using periods in acronyms, no space follows periods within the abbreviation.

Plural: To create the plural form of an acronym, add -s. The Foundation funds 23 ECHSs. David has over 100 CDs.

Possessive: Follow the usual rules in possessives (see possessives entry). Add -’s for singular acronyms, and an apostrophe for plural possessives. BAR’s Smog Check Referee program trains hundreds of students each year. Most DVDs’ recording times are between four and six hours.

Units of measure: Do not abbreviate units of measure within text. Steve is six feet tall. The ruler is 12 inches long.

Personal titles: Do not abbreviate titles before an individual’s name, except Mr., Ms., Mrs., and Dr. Governor Newsom. Chancellor Oakley. Mrs. Smith.

Company/Organization Names: In text, abbreviate Co., Cos., Inc., and Ltd. Spell out Association, Corporation, etc. In footnotes, lists, and bibliographies, it is acceptable to abbreviate Assoc. or Assn. for Association and Corp. for Corporation. Do not use a comma before the abbreviation (Co., Inc., etc.) and only use a comma afterward if the sentence calls for a pause at that spot.

Geographical terms: Always spell out state names when they stand alone. California has 115 Community Colleges. When the state name follows a city in text, use the common abbreviation set off in commas, which is usually different from the two-letter postal code. When a state’s abbreviation in text is two letters (abbreviated from the first letter of two words), use periods. The Foundation’s headquarters is in Sacramento, Calif. The conference was held in New York, N.Y.




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